A combination of the right temperature and humidity is what makes conditions in your home comfortable and healthy. And since there are many things that can make air dry, humidifiers come to the rescue.
They can easily make the climate of your apartment ideal and come in all shapes and prices. But not everybody knows that they can cause lots of trouble when poorly placed. In this article, you will find out why putting a humidifier on the floor might not be the best idea and where you should put it instead.
Can a Humidifier Be Placed on the Floor?
In some cases yes. There are models specifically manufactured to be placed on it. They are much bigger and taller than the regular ones, and their nozzles are placed as high as possible. This ensures maximum distance from the floor, which we will discuss later.
So, if it has mentioned traits and its manual allows floor placement, you can place your humidifier on the floor. It will effectively do its work with no side effects. Just clean and dust it regularly and take care not to trip over it.
For all the other humidifiers, especially smaller models, placing them on the floor can do more harm than good. In the next paragraph, we will explain in detail what troubles they can cause when being on the floor.
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Is It Safe to Put a Humidifier on the Floor?
While large humidifiers will work perfectly fine, smaller ones can bring inconveniences. This is because of their tiny size, and when on the floor, they will spray the vapor too close to it. Here is a summary of the troubles they can make.
Start Mold Infestation
Even though wet air is lighter than dry one and tends to rise up, the surfaces that are the closest to your humidifier will get more moisture. In the case of floor placement, it will be the floor itself. After continuous work, the moisture will accumulate without the possibility to escape and can cause mold to appear.
Wooden surfaces and porous substances are in the greatest danger. They can hold large quantities of liquid and get penetrated by mold easily. We highly recommend never putting humidifiers on carpets as they are very vulnerable to mold and can conceal their growth on the surface beneath.
Mold can severely damage materials, and its spores can cause respiratory infections. It should be prevented by all means, and if it appears — swiftly removed.
Check out our post about mold detector devices.
Slipping and Tripping
Another danger of moisture on the floor is that you can easily slip on it. Kids running around can miss a wet patch and harm themselves. If a humidifier is small enough, you can also trip over it. This may end badly both for you and the device.

Dirt Buildup
Items on the floor tend to get more dust and dirt for obvious reasons. The humidifier must remain clean to spread water vapor instead of dirt. When placed on the floor, it will have to be cleaned more frequently.
Uneven Vapor Distribution
A high-placed humidifier has more chance of delivering water vapor to the vents on the ceiling. There, it gets sucked in and distributed to other rooms. When placed on the floor, it might reach it, and the water will condensate on the surfaces around it instead.
Read also: Does a humidifier help cool a room?
Where Should a Humidifier Be Placed?
The first great option is putting it in your bedroom. Since this is a place where you restore and spend a significant portion of time, having good air there will make a change. The device should be put 3 feet away from the bed and have enough space around it for the air to circulate. Placing humidifiers on the nightstand is not advised since you can accidentally push them off or burn yourself with hot vapor.

A living room is another popular placement option. When deciding where to put it there, try to keep it away from electronics and surfaces that easily absorb water. Sources of heat can mingle with its temperature readings and disrupt its work. If you have pets or small kids, try to pick a place where they will be less likely to overturn it.
If your kids are prone to allergies and respiratory diseases, a humidifier can help improve the situation. The device is often advised to those dealing with such troubles. It is important to pick one that won’t make the room too humid, as it will have the opposite effect. Try to place it where kids won’t knock it over. For small babies, choose models that don’t make too much noize.
In all said cases, if a humidifier is not designed for the floor, it should be placed on an elevated surface. A drawer, shelf, or table are some good options. If all surfaces in your house are taken, you can buy a cheap stand for it.
Before you go, check out this post: Will a humidifier work with a fan on?
Final Thoughts
Some large models of humidifiers are designed to be put on the floor. Doing so with smaller ones can make them ineffective and cause trouble. These include mold infestation, slipping, and tripping hazards, and quick dirt buildup.
Humidifiers can be placed in various rooms depending on your needs. Try to find an elevated place where they won’t get knocked over, be far from wood and electrical appliances, and will do the best work in distributing vapor.